Our Company

Meagher Financial Group, LLC is the culmination of a four decade journey that began in 1984. The Meagher Financial Group is dedicated to helping individuals & small businesses organize their assets in a manner that will provide them with the means to manage their goals.

Our Services


Our Process Begins with Planning.

Our first goal is to find out what is important to you. This is quite often a balance of enjoying the present and preparing for the future. By focusing on the multiple goals that you may have, and prioritizing them in a meaningful way, we can begin to develop an appropriate strategy for managing them.

Understanding your resources and organizing them in a way to pursue current and future goals is the challenge that we are prepared to assist you with.

Whether you are just getting started, in the midst of accumulation, splurging on a big event, or enjoying an investment income stream, we can help you develop the roadmap that work towards your success.




We can assist with the allocation of the investment assets within the appropriate type of accounts. This may include a wide variety of investments. All with an emphasis on mid- and long-term growth.

Life’s Big Events

As time goes on, there are generally major expenses to consider: a new home; an extended vacation; children’s education; vacation property or perhaps a boat. Starting early and continuing to invest wisely can provided needed funding when the time comes.


If you have reached retirement or are approaching that stage of life, a well-balanced income producing portfolio seeks to provide consistent income with moderate growth.

We are ready and will assist with decisions regarding the best time to begin Social Security payments, the most prudent time to begin pension benefits and which survivor benefits fit your circumstances.



To protect the assets that you accumulate it may be prudent to consider insurance. 

We will help you assess whether or not it is appropriate to apply for one or more of the following:

  • Life Insurance
  • Long Term Care Insurance



We are all familiar with the phrase “you can’t take it with you!” Often the most difficult financial question to answer is what would you like to accomplish with your assets after you have passed away? This may include funds for children or grandchildren to attend university, or perhaps funds for charities, as well as ideas that are exclusive to you.

A proper estate plan may reduce estate taxes and final expenses.  However, it can do so much more. It can assure you that the legacy you leave assists those whom you wish to benefit.

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